Minggu, 07 Maret 2010

Command And Request

Command and Request
definition and example
-A command is a sentence that orders someone to do something. It ends with a period(.) or an exclamation mark(!)
Go to your school !
Call the police!
-A request is a sentence that asks someone to do something. It ends with a period (.) or a question mark(?).
Could you cLose the door?
Please close the door.
Usually we are told in the language or command to do something called a command line / request (Command and Request).
“The words” messenger thats plus with “lah” and ends with an exclamation point (!) Is like “duduklah!” or “pergilah!”.
In English, the word “Lah” did not exist. So if we want to get someone to do something, only the verb are placed in front of the sentence itself is getting the meaning of “Lah” in the sentence.
Come here! It means let’s here!
Try to speak in english! That means try to speak English!
Study diligently! Means diligently learn!
If the sentence is not a verb, then use “be” in front of the sentence because it is the verb to be. But this “be” has nothing mean / translation.
Be good to her! Well-meaning very well to him!
Be diligent! Means to be diligent!

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